There are currently 581 listings in the directory
The Maker Directory was developed to help makers and makerspaces find the resources they need quickly and catalog them all in one place. This is a project that will continue to grow over time with many more links being added. If you know of a maker listing we’re missing or have a suggestion for a new category please click on the link submit button below.
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Category | Description |
3D Modeling Software | 3D Modeling Software |
3D Printables | 3D Printables |
3D Printers | 3D Printers |
3D Printing | 3D Printing |
3D Printing Materials | 3D Printing Materials |
CNC Mills & Routers | CNC Mills & Routers |
Coding | Coding |
Edtech & K12 Blogs | Edtech & K12 Blogs |
Lasercutting | Lasercutting |
Maker Business | Maker Business |
Maker Education | Maker Education |
Expos, Conferences & Maker Festivals | Maker Related, K-12, Education Technology |
Maker & Makerspace Projects | Maker & Makerspace Projects |
Maker Materials | Maker Materials |
Maker Schools | Maker Schools |
Maker & STEM Camps | Maker & STEM Camps |
Makerfaires | Makerfaires |
Makers | Makers |
Makerspaces | Makerspaces |
Media Websites - K12, Maker, Edtech | Media Websites - K12, Maker, Edtech |
Robotics | Robotics |
STEM Education | STEM Education |
Twitter Chats | Twitter Chats |
Twitter Hashtags | Twitter Hashtags |